One eye is leaking a reddish brown liquid
One eye is leaking a reddish brown liquid
NO. Not ever. Please.
Hi Rebecca and thanks for this question about Willow. I'm sorry to hear she is not showing affection and understand that this can be upsetting. Unfortunately, for some cats, being sociabl...
I found her in 2020. Her mother and most of her litter mates had been killed by kids she is not affectionate she will sleep on me at night I can feel her purr that I can't hear her but she is not a...
Hi there Sara, I'm Dr Linda, one of the vets working with Tuft and Paw. I'm so sorry to hear about your cats over grooming and damaging their skin. As cortisone works, this indicates they over gr...
I have 2 cats that are very self abusive to the point of cutting themselves where they bleed besides getting them a cortisone shot what can I do to help them
Mine does it also. Took him to the vet did tests on him and stool sample. Nothing was wrong. He still has the issue. Vet says he may like the feel of the carpet. I guess I have a weird cat.
@Judy Marszalek Alcala Could he have arthritis? It might be difficult for him to climb inside if his joints ache. Any other physical issues - diabetes or kidney disease might make him h...
@Linda Simon I would love to add a box - sadly my apartment has very limited space - the second box has arrived but cannot be set up until I get my next litter shipment (of course it has been modif...
@Gail Wentzlaff ,,,His butt itches. He may not have cleaned himself properly and it itches. Or it may be something more serious like worms. Take him to the vet if it is.
@Karen Pickett ,,I have the same problem with my oldest cat, 13 years old. I can't keep throw rugs, mats of any kind or any fabric on the floor because my cat will pee on it. I have 5 cats, includi...
You know the pain involved in declawing a cat ? They remove the knuckle of the poor cat along with the nail. They have so many scratch posts and a clear material that attach to the sides of your co...
In my area, no one will declaw a cat. It's cruel, and as others have said, they don't really recover from that trauma. Try getting your cat used to having nails trimmed and have scratching posts/ma...
Hi there Karen. I'm sorry to hear about this. So, I do think that the lack of litter trays was likely the issue here. Cats really dislike sharing trays, and often pee elsewhere when they ...
@Linda Simon I am sorry for your loss. I had a pair of nine year old bonded littermates. The brother (Luke) became ill and needed to be euthanized. The sister (Daisy...
I have two cats and one cove. I do get the "stink eye" when one has used it and other is in there. I knew I needed a second box (space of where to place the second box is sadly in short...
Hi Paula. I'm sorry to hear your cats are taking a while to settle in and seem shy and anxious. This is a really common issue and this is especially the case if the cats were not well socialised i...
Hi Gail and thanks for your question! Bum dragging is less common in cats but does happen. Causes can include: Anal gland impaction or infection An itchy anus due to e.g. alle...
I have recently seen my cat dragging his butt on the carpet! I thought only dogs did this. What is going on?
We have just gotten two 5 month old little sisters...if you walk towards them they run..if you gently try to touch them they run..if you try and hold one they get crazy..they are so stand offish......