When I adopted my kitten last year the vet showed me her red gums and said that she might have stomatitis, that there was a 10% chance that her gums could clear up on her own, and that in the mean ...
When I adopted my kitten last year the vet showed me her red gums and said that she might have stomatitis, that there was a 10% chance that her gums could clear up on her own, and that in the mean ...
I have a 15 year old female cat who has not been able to groom like she use to, maybe because of teeth being removed maybe not. But she is so matted that it is causing her pain. Would have her shav...
My cat does the same thing, but before eating! Why is this?
My cat is feral I rescued at about 3 weeks. She is 1 year old, a house cat, she is fixed and bites me hard. I have tried everything I can think of! I need help!
@Angel Day if you are holding the kitten, try blow in his face if biting. Also, when aggressive say no and put him down. I have one who becomes over stimulated easily and bites.
Our 14 year old kitty is straining to pee or defecate. We are mixing pumpkin and soft food. He seems to be better! He is precious to our family!
I have a 12 years ago cat that like to sleep a lot 18-20 hours a day
Just give it up. I used to have a "no counter/no table" policy when I first got cats years ago. Guess who always wins? The cat. Now that I don't care, my 2 cats don't go on the counter. They still ...
My two kittens cannot leave electric cords alone. I keep things unplugged whenever possible now and have covered most of them with those vinyl covers that are supposed to deter them. But they chew ...
I recused him and his sister really early (mom must have died). I have 2 boxes, he will poop right in front of the box. Then pull litter from the box to cover it. Thanks
@Carolyn Schroeder neuter them
Hi there, this is Dr Linda. I echo Nicole that the first step here is in ruling in or out a medical cause for this behaviour. In a male, we would consider: FLUTD Urinary crystals or b...
Hi there, this is Dr Linda, a small animal vet. I'm sorry you are having this issue with your boy. If this is a new problem, I'd want to know if the poop is solid and if he is pooping mor...
Hi there, To add my viewpoint on this, I would not hesitate to use a prescription spot on, even at this age. There is no reason to expect any issues in seniors and these products are safe...
Hi there, this is Dr Linda, a small animal vet. I'm sorry to hear of your cat's diarrhoea. Please make your vet aware of the ongoing diarrhoea, which could have a medical cause. If we ar...
Hi there, this is Dr Linda, a small animal vet. I'm afraid I do not understand all of your message, so please correct me if I get anything wrong. If your cat has started to have seizures,...
Haha, hopefully this is the case! If so, nothing to be concerned about and just a vocal (and demanding!) kitty.
Hi Pamela, this is Linda the vet. I'm sorry to hear about this. This could be indicative of a number of things including a foreign body under the eyelid, an eye ulcer or an infection. Sq...
My cat is very afectionate and friendly. She is definitely a one person cat - meaning she thinks I am hers and only hers. It is just her and me in my home. My problem with her is ...
My cat is about 8 years old. Male. He will not poop in the litter box. I have tried different types of litter. What is wrong with this guy?