I have 2 Big Boys 20+ lbs. Does anyone make XXL+ boxes? Your post gives me thought too! Thanks.
I have 2 Big Boys 20+ lbs. Does anyone make XXL+ boxes? Your post gives me thought too! Thanks.
Hi all, We found a kitten outside the house she seemed to be the runt or just really small. She is healthy and great. We have had her for 3 weeks today. She is maybe 6 wks old. Enigma(Iggy) is her...
How can I get my kitten to stop tormenting my older cat? She doesn't want to play.
@Nicole Van Andel This caught my eye because I have a similar situation. Shadow was a stray who showed up at my farm about 17 years ago. He and a feral became good friends, lived in my ...
Hello, I have 4 cats living in our house and they won't let me sleep past 3am. I make them wait until 4am to eat, but that's still way too early. I don't sleep much and it is very stressful....
Hi Karen, The fact that your two cats have not really warmed up to one another after 4 years is a good indication to me that your one cat is likely stressed about the other ones presence - which r...
Why does my cat urinate on my kitchen floor? She's an outside cat and poops outside.
My cat will poop on the dining room rug. I have had her on meds (gets pricey), tried different litter, and litter boxes, had her checked out by the vet. She will use her box when she can't get to t...
Hi Carol, Sometimes, for whatever the unfortunate circumstance, kitten's need to be raised by humans. If this is the case, it doesn't necessarily mean they will be more friendly to people but they...
Hi Sissy, Being introduced into a new home for a cat (kitten or adult) can be an adjustment for both cat and owner. It just requires abit of time. And some cats take abit longer then others. The b...
My kitty will not use the litter box, she'll go right in front of it but not in it. We've been to the VET'S and there is nothing wrong. She just started doing this in December.
Are cats hand-raised by people (with a bottle) more friendly to people than those who were raised by their mama cat?
I have adopted a 7 month olds Siamese cat. He is eating fine, using the box fine and is in hiding..when and what can l do...l am old and l just want to pet him and love on him..l need help. Thank you.
Hi Connie, Some cats simply do not like other cats. If she was the first of the 3 - she may feel threatened by the other two's presence. And perhaps the younger male more so simply because he is y...
Hi Karen, This kind of behaviour suggests to me - that perhaps this kitten was taken from his mother abit to early - and was not taught properly on how things are done and has simply made up his o...
Hi Anita, Just like humans, some cats forget to drink enough water in a day, as they have a low thirst drive. So mixing it in his food is a great way for you to ensure he gets enough. If your vete...
Hi Sandra, Perhaps she has an allergy or is sensitive to the flea medication? Fleas can also be hard to find. If she will allow, consider using a flea comb to help determine their presence on her....
I have 3 cats and one is always attacking the other two. They are all treated the same. She was the first by about 5 months, the third was 7 mos later another female. They are 13 yrs old. Abandoned...
I have a kitten that I have never in all my years of rescue and foster would knock another cat down to pee in the dry food. I have tried everything I can think of including buying a remote bowl tha...
I have to buy expensive canned food for my cat and mix it with a little water making sure he gets enough. Hills unrinary , metabolic stresss.......any suggestions ? He eats Bette than I do,,,,thank...