I have 2 rescue cats, both healthy. The first one ( "Plume") comes from a hoarding situation and is still a little shy. She eats well (although she is picky) but eats slowly. The other rescue ( "Clementine") comes from the streets and is very food-oriented. She eats voraciously anything I give her and once done checks my other cat's plate. She waits if Plume is still eating, then finishes whatever's left.
As can be expected, Clementine is slightly overweight. Plume has a normal weight but I fear sometimes she does not get enough food and whatever I give her extra may also go to Clementine at the end if I am not watching carefully.
I feed them in separate rooms. They get along but Clementine is the dominant one and if I close a door to either one of the 2 cats for meal time, or give an extra portion to Plume, she will get jealous and become a little aggressive towards Plume.
I did not find a food that Plume eats and Clementine does not like...
Any tip?
Thank you