Quick Draw is a fun and challenging game where you need to draw objects or images so that AI can guess correctly. Here are some tips to help you pass the challenge in Quick Draw:
Draw simply and clearly: Avoid drawing too complicated or detailed. AI can often guess more accurately with simple and clear drawings.
Use basic shapes: Basic shapes such as circles, squares, triangles, etc. are often easier to guess than complex shapes.
Focus on the main features: When drawing, focus on the main features of the object or image. For example, if you are drawing a cat, focus on drawing the ears, eyes and 鼻 (nose) so that AI can guess more accurately.
Use colors: If you can use colors, choose colors that match the object or image. For example, if you are drawing an apple, use red.
Quick Draw: Quick Draw is a game of timing, so draw quickly and efficiently. You don’t need to be too detailed or perfect.
Keep calm and have fun: Quick Draw is a fun game, so keep calm and have fun while playing. Don’t stress too much if you don’t get it right, just keep trying and improve your skills.
Hopefully these tips will help you overcome the challenge in Quick Draw!