My newly rescued kitty, two years old in January, thinks he is Dracula. He is the most loving, sweetest cat, but wants to bike my older kitty, usually in his neck. When he came to us from his foster, he had scars on his neck that have finally healed from him receiving bites. I'm guessing this is where he learned this. There is at least one fight a day with him biting my older cat. Nothing works to stop him although it is getting less frequent daily.
Hi there and thanks for your post.
If he is fighting, biting and breaking skin, this is a real concern.
We need to separate the cats for now, as there is a real risk of a nasty infection and the bitten cat must be very stressed byt his.
We can then slowly try to re-introduce them over the coming weeks, as if they were meeting for the first time.
This website has some useful information on this:
If at any time the behaviour starts again, we need to go back to the previous stage of the introduction process.
It may help to use some 'tools' such as a Feliway plug in and to start them on some natural calming supplements like Zylkene.
However, if they cannot co-exist without fighting, it may be that they cannot be homed together I'm afraid.