If it's part of playing, you gotta give her something that's okay to bite, or she won't learn hands are not ok. My kitty was a very bitey player as a baby (still is). We are teaching him to meow wh...
If it's part of playing, you gotta give her something that's okay to bite, or she won't learn hands are not ok. My kitty was a very bitey player as a baby (still is). We are teaching him to meow wh...
My cat does this too.. sometimes laxatone helps and sometimes it doesn’t.. I feed her purina naturals (no dyes) and that also helped, but she still does it sometimes.. I’ve also heard t...
I just got a rescue 5 mo old cat, and she definitely has some allergies. I just switched her food to hypoallergenic but she is still pulling out her hair and scratching continuously. From what I ha...