our cat used to do that when she was hangry; if youre the feeder she may be associating her hunger with you and trying to get your attention.
our cat used to do that when she was hangry; if youre the feeder she may be associating her hunger with you and trying to get your attention.
Same for my 8 month old sweet girl! I know your frustration! I have a prescription from my vet for food by Royal Canin Veterinarian Diet Hydrolyzed Protein. Vet said that it is safe for growth in k...
Our cat always used to do this when we would give her wet food (she was fine with dry), and we chalked it up to eating too fast. Is the vomit very color-saturated?
My cat will have nothing to do with a new bed we purchased. He won’t enter it voluntarily and if I place him in it, he jumps out as quickly as he can. Any tips?