My 7 yr old calico gets sores around her neck area she also has excess scraping and licking I took her to the vet who said it was fleas although I keep flea meds on her and don't see any fleas what...
My 7 yr old calico gets sores around her neck area she also has excess scraping and licking I took her to the vet who said it was fleas although I keep flea meds on her and don't see any fleas what...
Hi Pat, Not necessarily, but it is best to check with your local veterinarian, as your cats health will likely change. Especially considering she/he is now in the senior years of life.
Hi Marylouise, Getting your community involved in a Trap-Neuter-Release program is an excellent step in protecting the lives of area cats. Here is a basic "how to" to get you started: - Post on y...
Will my cat 13 yrs old always have to be on urinary cat food....low ph?
New cat introduction tips
@Marylouise Tischler please respond, I need some advice/tips on organizing a TNR program in my area
Hi Anne, Since the two cats are wary of each other, and she is already abit anxious - it is possible that the other cat has "claimed" all 3 boxes provided which is leaving her no other option but ...
Hi Carolyn,As long as she is not hissing or growling during this - then it is most likely just excitement. She is overstimulated from her happiness.
Hi Kim, You mentioned that you have a mat for your cats to sharpen their nails on. While this is a good option for them - consider that they may actually prefer a scratching post that is upright. ...
Hi Lynn, The first steps one must take to successfully accomplish nail trimming-is the cat must be able to trust you to do so. He may already trust you in other ways but this can be a very sensiti...
Hi Melissa, once you have been able to warm the kitten up - try giving it some food (kitten food, if possible) and see if it will drink any water. In the meantime, call your local veterinarian or a...
Hi Laurel, to get your cat to use his new bed - try these tips: 1. Lightly rub catnip or place an catnip infused toy inside to entice him. 2. Place an old T-shirt (with your scent) or a favourite...
I need some advice on a kitten . It's a stray. It has 3 other siblings and they were dumped off. This morning my husband found one of them lying outside on the ground in distress .It was really col...
Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can get my cat to let me trim his claws. He is a good boy, but will not let me handle his front paws. I cannot afford to take him to have it done. I alw...
My cats keep chewing and batting at my plants. Sharpening nails on furniture and jumping up on kitchen table and counters...use a spray bottle with water but not working. I do have a mat for themsh...
Hi Patricia, My name is Nicole. I am the Cat Behaviourist with Tuft + Paw. What we do know is when a cat sprays, it is usually an indication that they are not at ease about something or ther...
My cat loves me, I know; but when she is being lo ed and petted and purring loudly her tail keeps whipping. How come?
Hi. I have a totally deaf cat with HCS. Nice cat but is extremely anxious and wets in the same spot in the kitchen daily. I have put the litter box there, placed a wastebasket ove...
TNR need some to organize a TNR program in my are. Any ideas would be appreciated. thank you, marylouise tischler &nbs...
our cat used to do that when she was hangry; if youre the feeder she may be associating her hunger with you and trying to get your attention.