Our cats (four) enjoy "play time", but it has started to become "dad putting on a show we watch". I change up toys they enjoy, try to get them engaged, but they always end up just sitting or laying down and watching the show.
I've had success getting one or two mildly involved, but they generally do not chase/pounce/death bite (unless I'm lucky).
I'd prefer to get them to chase/jump and do their predetor thing. I'm doing just "okay" at it. Any new pointers to get the kitteh's more involved?
Hi there, this is Dr Linda, a small animal vet with 10 years of clinical experience.
Cats play in a variety of ways and you may need to take a backseat here and let them start the interactions and get more invovled themselves.
One of the best ways to do this is to use a laser pointer, dragging it near the cat to encourage them to chase it. Allow them to chase it for a while and, at the end of the game, point it on a soft toy so that they can 'pounce' on it and win the game.
Cats have different preferences and you may find you have better luck with different toys e.g. cat nip teddies, food puzzles, cat trees with dangling feather etc.
Keep sessions nice and short to avoid boredom.
Consider playing one on one, in case the cats would prefer this individualised attention.
Try not to force things; if they are not in the mood, making them play might turn them off it. Keep things light and playful and they will join in when in the mood.