How can I work with a 3 year old female feral cat

  • How can I work with her so that she's not afraid. When I get her nails clipped, she has to be given sleep meds until they are done

  • Hi Barb,

    Being that she was previously feral (born in the wild) it can often take quite awhile for cats to build trust and confidence with/around humans. Given that she is 3 years old, it may be possible that she will continue to be abit timid and shy throughout the remainder of her life. This is just developed personality. However, to build and maintain a positive bond with her - just requires a little extra socialization and overtime she should become less afraid.

    Some things to keep in mind:

    - keep her daily routine consistent - including nap areas, mealtime, playtime, litterbox placement etc. If a change is necessary, be sure to make it gradual. 

    - maintain soft spoken tones towards her. Provide plenty of verbal praise when her behaviour is good. Example: uses the scratching post correctly, or the litterbox etc.

    - provide at least 15 mins a day of interactive playtime with a wand toy for some good ole fashioned fun, allowing her confidence in you to grow. Use yummy treats on occasion at the end of a playtime session to seal the deal. 

    - allow her a place to escape to should she feel the need for some alone time. 

    After trust has been built and a bond formed between the two of you - it can be possible to train her to have her nails clipped stress-free. If interested in knowing more, please respond and I'd be happy to share the steps on how to do so. In the meantime, you can try a pheromone spray or room diffuser (such as Feliway) and see if that helps keep her comfortable during a nail clipping session. 

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